
The fol­low­ing singers are cur­rent­ly per­form­ing with the orches­tra (selec­tion, in alpha­-bet­i­­cal order):

Désirée Brod­ka, Han Bo Jeon, Cathrin Lange, Ste­fan Lex, Chris­tiane Linke, Bar­bara Marin, Mar­co Mon­drag­on, Agustin Sanchez, Maren Schwier, Jen­nifer Zein and Mary­na Zubko.


The fol­low­ing renowned singers have been accom­pa­nied by the orches­tra in con­certs over the years (selec­tion, in alpha­bet­i­cal order):

Gail Gilmore, Inge­borg Hall­stein, Melanie Hol­l­i­day, Renate Holm, Anna-Maria Kauf­mann, Julia Kleit­er, Vik­tor Laz­lo, Eva Lind, Ange­li­ka Mil­ster, Regi­na Ren­zowa, Car­ry Sass, Deb­o­rah Sas­son, Helen Schnei­der, Mar­git Schramm — and the world star
Sumi Jo!

Volk­er Bengl, Evan Bort­nick, Eric Cut­ler, William Cochran, Gun­ther Emmer­lich, Man­fred Fink, Nico­lai Ged­da, Ernesto Grisales, Gaines Hall, Heinz Hoppe, Kei­th Ika­ia-Pur­dy, Johannes Kalpers, Ryszard Kar­cykows­ki, Jonas Kauf­mann, René Kol­lo, Peter Minich, Nor­bert Orth, Peter Parsch, Niko­lai Schukoff, Eike-Wim Schulte, Peter Seif­fert, Har­ald        Ser­afin, Tim­o­thy Simp­son, Gün­ter Wewel, Reuben Will­cox — and last but not least
Udo Jür­gens!