The following singers are currently performing with the orchestra (selection, in alpha-betical order):
Désirée Brodka, Han Bo Jeon, Cathrin Lange, Stefan Lex, Christiane Linke, Barbara Marin, Marco Mondragon, Agustin Sanchez, Maren Schwier, Jennifer Zein and Maryna Zubko.
The following renowned singers have been accompanied by the orchestra in concerts over the years (selection, in alphabetical order):
Gail Gilmore, Ingeborg Hallstein, Melanie Holliday, Renate Holm, Anna-Maria Kaufmann, Julia Kleiter, Viktor Lazlo, Eva Lind, Angelika Milster, Regina Renzowa, Carry Sass, Deborah Sasson, Helen Schneider, Margit Schramm — and the world star
Sumi Jo!
Volker Bengl, Evan Bortnick, Eric Cutler, William Cochran, Gunther Emmerlich, Manfred Fink, Nicolai Gedda, Ernesto Grisales, Gaines Hall, Heinz Hoppe, Keith Ikaia-Purdy, Johannes Kalpers, Ryszard Karcykowski, Jonas Kaufmann, René Kollo, Peter Minich, Norbert Orth, Peter Parsch, Nikolai Schukoff, Eike-Wim Schulte, Peter Seiffert, Harald Serafin, Timothy Simpson, Günter Wewel, Reuben Willcox — and last but not least
Udo Jürgens!