Programme Formats

The orchestra’s musi­cal spec­trum ranges from New Year’s, spring, Christ­mas, choir, church, sym­pho­ny and New Year’s Eve con­certs to opera, operetta, musi­cal, Broad­way and film music galas as well as cross-over projects and the fram­ing of events of all kinds.


In the fol­low­ing, a small selec­tion of pro­gramme for­mats (pure­ly instru­men­tal or instru­men­tal with singer or singers) offered by the orches­tra:

A Night at the Opera

Famous arias and over­tures

Italian Night

Bel­can­to, più bel­can­to, bel­can­tis­si­mo!

Bella Italia

Arias and Can­zonas

Spanish Night

Evi­va España!

Under Southern Stars

Best of Ital­ian and Span­ish Night

The Magic of Music

Best of Vien­nese Operetta, Vien­nese Waltzes and Polkas & March­es

From Vienna to Berlin / From the Danube to the Spree

A musi­cal sur­vey of the Vien­nese and Berlin operetta

Fascinating Puszta

A musi­cal sur­vey of the Vien­nese and Berlin operetta

Strauss for Ever!

A Strauss Gala

Keep Shining!

Melodies from operetta films and sound film operettas

From Ku’damm to Broadway

Berlin operetta and musi­cal com­e­dy high­lights

Broadway Gala

Great­est hits from musi­cal come­dies & shows

Broadway meets Hollywood

Hits from musi­cal come­dies and Cin­e­ma Clas­sics

Retro Movie Classics

Sound­track high­lights from cin­e­ma & TV up to the 60s of the 20th cen­tu­ry

Neo Movie Classics

Sound­track high­lights from cin­e­ma & TV start­ing from the 60s of the 20th cen­tu­ry

Retro and Neo Movie Classics

Sound­track high­lights from cin­e­ma & TV from the 20th and 21st cen­tu­ry

Classic meets Pop

Grand opera and inter­na­tion­al hits

Milestones of Rock

»Sig­gi Schwarz and Band« togeth­er with the Frank­furt Sym­pho­ny
The pro­gramme for­mats can also be com­bined with each oth­er at any time!