TWO names – ONE orchestra

Johann-Strauß-Orchester Frankfurt Logo
Frankfurter Sinfoniker Logo

The Johann Strauss Orches­tra Frank­furt respec­tive­ly the Frank­furt Sym­pho­ny was found­ed in 1986 by Gün­ther Gräf. The orches­tra is main­ly com­posed of musi­cians from opera hous­es in the Rhine-Main area. The musi­cal flex­i­bil­i­ty of the orches­tra mem­bers allows the orches­tra to per­form con­certs of all kinds (see pro­gramme for­mats) at the high­est artis­tic lev­el, which is repeat­ed­ly con­firmed by an enthu­si­as­tic audi­ence and the spe­cial­ist press.

Depend­ing on the musi­cal occa­sion, the orches­tra per­forms as Johann Strauss Orches­tra Frank­furt or as Frank­furt Sym­pho­ny. For events on a       small­er scale, the orches­tra is on stage as Ensem­ble of the Johann Strauss Orches­tra Frank­furt or as Ensem­ble of the Frank­furt Sym­pho­ny. In order to ful­fill its musi­cal tasks, it has access to its own sheet music archive, which includes more than 5,500 music titles (the archive can be down­loaded, see Down­load; sheet music from the archive can be bor­rowed at any time).

In addi­tion to a large num­ber of con­cert engage­ments in Ger­many, the orches­tra also under­takes con­cert tours abroad (in the past, for exam­ple, to Spain in 1992 and to Seoul/South Korea in 2006 and 2007).