Events 2025
The calendar of events is always up to date; as a rule, it only contains events for which a firm contractual relationship already exists.
All information in the calendar of events is without guarantee! Under no circumstances the orchestra is the organiser.
Date | Time | Place/Location | Event | Conductor | Performers |
Datum | Zeit | Ort/Location | Veranstaltung | Dirigent | Mitwirkende |
04.04.2025 | 19:00 Uhr19:00 | Wiesbaden, Marktkirche |
Mozart: Requiem; Frank: Trauerode / In Paradisum — rehearsal | Thomas J. Frank | |
05.04.2025 | 19:00 Uhr19:00 | Wiesbaden, Marktkirche |
Mozart: Requiem; Frank: Trauerode / In Paradisum | Thomas J. Frank | Gloria Rehm (soprano), Silvia Hauer (mezzo), Gustavo Quaresma (tenor), David Jerusalem (bass) |
04.05.2025 | 18:00 Uhr18:00 | Bad Hersfeld, Stadthalle |
Opening Concert of the 74th Festival Season | Helgo Hahn | |
24.05.2025 | 0:00 Uhr0:00 | Heidenheim, Waldorfschule |
Milestones of Rock | Joongbae Jee | Siggi Schwarz & Band, Frankfurt Symphony (32 musicians) |
25.05.2025 | 0:00 Uhr0:00 | Freudenstadt, Landesgartenschau |
Milestones of Rock | Siggi Schwarz & Band, Ensemble of the Frankfurt Symphony | |
19.07.2025 | 20:00 Uhr20:00 | Mudau, Schloßhof Waldleiningen |
Vienna, Vienna you alone | Witolf Werner | Christiane Linke, Stefan Lex |
10.08.2025 | 20:30 Uhr20:30 | Calw, Kloster Hirsau |
Monastery on Fire | Volker Christ | |
16.08.2025 | 20:00 Uhr20:00 | Lindenfels, Burg Lindenfels |
Italian Night | Witolf Werner | |
02.09.2025 | 10:30 — 11:30 Uhr10:30 — 11:30 | Bad Vilbel, Wasserburg |
Summertime Magic | Stefan Lex (tenor and presentation), Ensemble of the Frankfurt Symphony | |
20.09.2025 | 0:00 Uhr0:00 | Herbrechtingen |
Milestones of Rock | Siggi Schwarz & Band, Frankfurt Symphony (32 musicians) | |
24.10.2025 | 0:00 Uhr0:00 | Rüsselsheim, Stadttheater |
Magic of the South | Witolf Werner | |
26.10.2025 | 0:00 Uhr0:00 | Rödermark, Kulturhalle |
Magic of the South | Witolf Werner | |
16.11.2025 | 0:00 Uhr0:00 | Bad Hersfeld, Stadtkirche |
Memorial Day Concert | Helgo Hahn | |
22.11.2025 | 0:00 Uhr0:00 | Friedberg, Stadthalle |
Milestones of Rock | Siggi Schwarz & Band, Frankfurt Symphony (32 musicians) | |
13.12.2025 | 18:00 Uhr18:00 | Steinefrenz, Kath. Kirche |
Advent Concert | Dr. Jens Röth | Männerchor Frohe Stunde Weroth |
April 2025
19:00 Uhr
Mozart: Requiem; Frank: Trauerode / In Paradisum — rehearsal
Wiesbaden, Marktkirche
Thomas J. Frank
19:00 Uhr
Mozart: Requiem; Frank: Trauerode / In Paradisum
Wiesbaden, Marktkirche
Thomas J. Frank
Gloria Rehm (soprano), Silvia Hauer (mezzo), Gustavo Quaresma (tenor), David Jerusalem (bass)
May 2025
18:00 Uhr
Opening Concert of the 74th Festival Season
Bad Hersfeld, Stadthalle
Helgo Hahn
0:00 Uhr
Milestones of Rock
Heidenheim, Waldorfschule
Joongbae Jee
Siggi Schwarz & Band, Frankfurt Symphony (32 musicians)
0:00 Uhr
Milestones of Rock
Freudenstadt, Landesgartenschau
Siggi Schwarz & Band, Ensemble of the Frankfurt Symphony
July 2025
20:00 Uhr
Vienna, Vienna you alone
Mudau, Schloßhof Waldleiningen
Witolf Werner
Christiane Linke, Stefan Lex
August 2025
20:30 Uhr
Monastery on Fire
Calw, Kloster Hirsau
Volker Christ
20:00 Uhr
Italian Night
Lindenfels, Burg Lindenfels
Witolf Werner
September 2025
10:30 — 11:30 Uhr
Summertime Magic
Bad Vilbel, Wasserburg
Stefan Lex (tenor and presentation), Ensemble of the Frankfurt Symphony
0:00 Uhr
Milestones of Rock
Siggi Schwarz & Band, Frankfurt Symphony (32 musicians)
October 2025
0:00 Uhr
Magic of the South
Rüsselsheim, Stadttheater
Witolf Werner
0:00 Uhr
Magic of the South
Rödermark, Kulturhalle
Witolf Werner
November 2025
0:00 Uhr
Memorial Day Concert
Bad Hersfeld, Stadtkirche
Helgo Hahn
0:00 Uhr
Milestones of Rock
Friedberg, Stadthalle
Siggi Schwarz & Band, Frankfurt Symphony (32 musicians)
December 2025
18:00 Uhr
Advent Concert
Steinefrenz, Kath. Kirche
Dr. Jens Röth
Männerchor Frohe Stunde Weroth