Available for download are:

Résumé Orchestra


(pdf for­mat)

Sheet music archive


(Excel File)
The score archive is avail­able for down­load as an Excel file; the records (over 5,500) are ini­tial­ly sort­ed by KOMPONIST_NACHNAME (com­pos­er last name), then by KOMPONIST_VORNAME (com­pos­er first name), fol­lowed by WERK (work), and final­ly by TITEL (title). The orig­i­nal score archive is an Access data­base, which is avail­able upon request. The lat­est ver­sion of the score archive is as of Novem­ber 1, 2023.

Poster New Year’s Concert

Down­load A2
Down­load A3
Down­load A4

(JPG File)

Official Orchestra Photo

Down­load .jpg

(JPG File)